Google's Mobile-First Indexing

The use of mobile devices and internet is on a rise, online activities keeps going high up over the decades and so has the use of mobile devices in performing online searches increase.

Google who happens to be the major and most used search engine announced that it is making plans of improving the mobile user search experience and this require having a mobile search index which indexes a websites mobile content. What this means is that the Googlebots will now begin to take into serious consideration the appearance of a website’s content on mobile devices to mobile users.

This measure taken by Google is to try earnestly and persistently to improve the mobile user experience and more importantly the relevancy, usefulness and sufficiency of the search results displayed to the user.

Impact Of Mobile First Indexing

Now that Google has set in motion this update, a website's search engine ranking in Google search engine results page(SERP) especially on mobile devices can either rise in rank or drop in rank or have it’s url(website address) removed from Google Mobile Index.

To make sure that one does not suffer a drop in Google rankings, a website's main content on a desktop should be the same on the mobile version. Google’s announcement has detailed recommendations to help website owners and webmasters prepare towards the move to the mobile first indexing updates.

Below are links that has more information on Google’s announcement.
