Why You Need An Online Presence

In this post, we’ll discuss what a business website is and why it's important to have one for your company or brand. Since the internet and web pages came into existence, sharing of information has broken many great boundaries. With these technologies one can share information in the shortest time possible and have access to tons of information with just a device and internet connectivity.

Websites have brought changes to the basic means of how we share and access information. Back in the days, information published on websites were just plain text, but as technologies used in the creation of websites advanced, sharing and accessing information also improved. Now it is possible to have access to not only plain text information but also rich media like photos, audio, videos, etc. which was not possible once upon a time.

Businesses also made their company information accessible to people on their websites. That was their business website; a related documents of web pages that contained information about a particular business or company.

With the advancement in technology, websites can now do more than just the sharing of information. Websites can now allow user inputs and response in a very rich and more convenient way making all sort of user interactions to be made possible online. For instance, one does not need to leave the comfort of his home just to pay bills, make flight reservations, make online purchases and more all through the use of websites.

The world as we know is both a big and a small one. Therefore, it is necessary for a business to have some strategies in place that is in-line with its marketing and primary objectives to adapt to these technologies. More and more people are becoming dependent on technology and the only way to secure the sustainability of your business is to change with it so you can stay ahead of meeting the needs of your existing and prospective customers through these technological means.

Now i'm going to share with you some strong information on why you need to build your business website if you don’t already have one or to redesign your website to fit current and new technologies.

Online Or Digital Marketing

The traditional way of marketing had to do with grabbing the attention of your potential customers through the various offline marketing media such as Newspapers, magazines, television, print advertisements etc. and persuade them or offer them value as to why they should purchase your products or services.

Now with the existence of the internet and websites, it has become necessary for businesses to also exploit these means to support their business. Any efforts made towards making your products and services known through the internet can be referred to as online or digital marketing, and this is the number one reason why you need a business website.

You do not only have the opportunity to have your business's products and services listed on the internet but also the opportunity to offer your potential customers a better experience of your brand online and convert them into customers helping with conveniences and time saving.

Social Media Sharing, blog posts, content marketing, newsletters, email lists, etc. are all ways you can engage in online marketing. The details of the how would be published in another blog post another day.

Visibility In Search Engines

More powerful is the ability of the internet to not only allow you access data but also search for specific information. Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. are all participants when it comes to online information search. Since search engines brought the ability to search for information, it made it more convenient for internet users to turn to them when looking for a particular information including searching for your business products and services. It is then of highest importance that you optimize your business website and make it accessible to these search engines so that a potential customer looking up for services that you offer may be given a search results with your website being part of the displayed list.

This is what is known as Search Engine Optimization(SEO), where a website is optimized for both users and search engines so that it ranks higher in the search engine result pages(SERP). This will save you a lot of money you would have to set aside for traditional business marketing.

Personalized Search Results

As search engines make an inventory or take stock of the millions of information on different websites world wide, displaying relevant information or a search result to a user could be a big issue. So more often these search engines also offer personalized search results where if you own an account with them, they’ll be able to know your preference and offer you products or services that might be of interest to you in your locality.

For instance, if you are interested in finding out the nearest shop that deals in sneakers, it would be irrelevant if the search results showed you sneaker shop websites located in another country even if their website is highly optimized for their search engine visibility.

Increase In Mobile Device Usage

The use of mobile devices and mobile internet is on a rapid rise and constantly increasing. The majority of people turn to use their mobile devices like phones and tablets and use the internet for all sort of user engagements and interactions, to serach for products and services, to participate in online studies, etc.

Therefore it is an obligation on any business to ensure that their website can also be accessed on almost all mobile devices without any issues or problems on the mobile platform. When a website is mobile friendly, it is referred to as being responsive and the way we website designers achieve that is through a skill termed as Responsive Website Design. Now it's time you checked your own business website on a mobile device and ask the designers to fix any challenges that you face.

Constant improvements

The very grounds on which technology itself stands is constantly improving. And since technology affects most industries, careers enterpreneurs and businesses, it therefore becomes necessary that we also have to be improving more and more. The challenges in existence today are solved with the available technology and that causes us to find a way between extremes. New ways of solving these same problems with new technologies also comes with less impairment and a great advantage to both business owners and customers. It is then extremely important to move with the changing technology or risk losing out.

Design is one of such areas and so strategies would have to be set in motion to ensure that statistics such as page click through rate, time spent on page, website performance, conversion flow patterns, etc. are carefully considered and improved. Your website should not just be another site sitting on the internet. You should have returns on the resources and time invested in putting it up and that’s why it is required that you find out what is working and what’s not and address them.

Website fundermentals

In this section i will quickly list out all the basics you need to get started with a business website.

A.Register a domain name

B.Hosting of website

C.Business profile information

D.Profile and photos of team members

E.Creating Social media accounts

F.Photos of products and services

G.Partner with a good Website Designer

To succeed with your website and business you’ll need a great service provider. Dexty Genius is a choice you'll never regret for your website design, i will be glad to assist you with a new website or redesigning an existing one. Get in touch with me now: +233275380153.